Tim Welton


Tim works in our Wakefield Office and has longstanding ties with Wakefield having attended QEGS before going on to study Ancient History and Archeaology at the University of Liverpool.

After University, Tim decided on a career in law and started working for a firm in Dewsbury who then sponsored him to do the law conversion and LPC at Huddersfield University whilst working.

Tim worked as a criminal defence lawyer for about 10 years before moving into commercial litigation, becoming a partner in the firm that he started with. In 2016 Tim left and joined Williams&Co as a Partner.

Tim practises in commercial litigation, employment, regulatory and criminal law and is able to accept instructions in each of those areas.  

Tim has been a Trustee and non-executive Director of a number of charities in the Wakefield area and is currently the Chairman of the Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce.

Outside of work Tim is involved in a charitable organisation and enjoys watching most sports.

Tim is married with three children and lives in the Wakefield district.

Get in touch with Tim:

Email: timwelton@williamsco.legal

Office: Wakefield